A saying I heard on Shark Tank a few years ago from “Mr. Wonderful” Kevin O’Leary that I think fits in this case is “pioneers get slaughtered and settlers prosper.” A few years ago, web bots were popping up on the internet and people never really took to them. I heard people making comments like “I don’t want to talk to a robot” and “If I wanted to talk to a computer…”. Even though they can be very helpful navigating websites people just didn’t like them and they kind of came and died a little. Fast forward to 2022 and with the addition of AI powered engines that are available to everyday businesses like the Google Quantum AI Engine and chat bots are now more user friendly and people are starting to warm up to the idea of asking a question from a web bot when you first get to a website.

This really streamlines the process of getting the answers to your questions and solving your needs faster. In other words, get to the bottom of why you are at a website in the first place. We are seeing the beginning of a whole new approach to searching a website and getting to the reason you are visiting a website in the first place. If you want to know about someone or that business you still have to get to that business’s website but once your there, do you want to read an entire website to find one answer? As a business owner do you want to risk that your potential customers will even do that before they get bored and leave. Probably not and this is where web bots come in. Get to a site, click the chat bot button and fire away. This is way more than just a search, you can ask questions. I can see websites changing altogether with this idea.

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People want what they want… now!

You want to ask a question and you want it served up without having to comb an entire site. Imagine getting to a site and asking the chat bot for a coupon and it serves it up right then or whatever you’re looking for you get it first.  This is what people want today. They want the process streamlined for them and in a very dynamic way and with little distraction and it’s really impossible to guess what they want. So, give it to them.  Now businesses can do it with an AI powered chat bot to answer questions and take people to what they want right now.  

At e Market Designs we have one now as well and it is learning everyday about what people are really looking for and helping customers in ways, we did not know we could do before. As this article states we think this is a big step for an everyday business right here in our community to have an AI powered engine working to better their business and in a very affordable way. If your business is ready to jump into the future the time is now. Visit our contact page and reach out to us to get started and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Also stay tuned for the next article because we are on the cusp of a complete renovation of the way websites work and I will tell you all about it in the next article.